Logic - Paul Tomassi
The book is an introductory textbook on logic. It gets the student up to date with most modern advancements in Logic. The chapters are as follows.
- How to think logically
- How to prove that you can argue logically #1
- How to prove that you can argue logically #2
- Formal logic and formal semantics
- Intro to first order predicate logic
- How to argue logically in QL
- Formal logic and formal semantics
Chapter 1: How to think logically
This chapter is a brief introduction in to the importance of being able to think logically and how that will often play out. It gives some examples of valid and invalid arguments, soundness of arguments. Deduction and induction. Formal logic. Aswell as a brief note on the history of formal logic. The brief history is good in showing where aristotelian logic had gotten formal logic and then the makes illusions to the significant contributions of gottlob frege to formal logic.
Chapter 2 : How to prove that you can argue logically #1 A formal language for formal logic
Formal logic is not english but is its own formal language.
Sentential constants are represented by capital letters P, Q, R
sentential variables are represented by lower case letters. p, q, r
The expression of a formal language sentence refers to itself it is an autonym
A formal language sentence is bets broken up in to atomic units
Each premise can be represented as its own capital letter P Q etc
The connection of formal sentences can be done with logical connectives
Propositional logic contains 5.
We can translate a regular language like english in to formal logic with the use of a key
Either I’ll stay in my bed and read my book or i’ll have a shower
I’ll stay in bed and either I’ll read my book or I’ll have a shower
1)I’ll stay in my bed P
I’ll read my book. Q
I’ll have a shower. R
When we are looking at complex sentences we use brackets for connectives
When we need to use connectives it is called a well formed formula
Each individual sentence is known as an Atomic formula
A well formed formula using sentence letters and connectives is a compound formula
We can break a sentence down by its conjuncts
conjucts can themsleves be compounds and. have their own conjuncts
Either I’ll stay in my bed and read my book or i’ll have a shower
(P & Q) v R
I’ll stay in bed and either I’ll read my book or I’ll have a shower
P & (Q v R)
What the connective is reaching is called its scope
The scope that conects the entire sentence is called the main connective