The Way - Jose Maria Escriva
For a short period in my life I was a numerary member[^1] of Opus Dei. I read the way before I had any contact with Opus Dei, as I admired the spirit of the book. It's a collection of short sayings on specific topics in Catholic faith, such as humility, mortification, holy purity, the heart and many more. At some stages of my life I read the book most days for months on end. The book is a guiding document for Opus Dei. There are some points in the book that seem outdated even to members of Opus Dei. In general, The Way is an admirable depiction of how Jose Maria understood Jesus Christ. Where each saying is a statement, guiding the reader on how to live a life more like Jesus, while also setting the spirit of Opus Dei.
[^1]: Technically speaking, I was a baby numerary member of Opus Dei. You are more technically a part time member of Opus Dei when you do your 'oblation', which I never did. So it could be said that I was never a member of Opus Dei, which would be correct. But for simplicity, I just say I was a member.